Monday, July 19, 2010


Is having a good healthy very import ? What are the foods we should eat to have a good health?
We all say that ''Health is Wealth''. So to have a good health we should eat our balance diet,we should eat nutritious foods which are Go, Grow and Glow foods.We should also have our exercise every morning for our physical health. we should eat vegetables,sometimes meat and we should drink 8 glasses everyday.From this simple doings,we will have a good physical ,mental emotional , social, spiritual and all aspects of having a good health.
So,we should how to take good care of our health for our better good future. We should take good care for us to live.........

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President,
Before anything else I would like you to greet a pleasant day and I want you to congratulate for being the newly elected President in the first Automated election last May 10,2010.
You elected as the President,so,being the President,you should do your part as we do our part too. You should do your part to make our country more progressive and more successful one.You promised that you will not going to corrupt,so its time for you to prove it.If ever ,I want you to solve the poverty and unemployment crisis of our country.This are only the things I want you to solve.
Godbless you,have a good health and goodluck.